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Industrialized Buildingsa man riding a skateboard on top of a road

Industrialized Buildings

Building conforming homes through manufactured housing programs

Our team has provided plan review and inspection services for the HUD-manufactured housing and state modular building industry for over 50 years. With experienced Engineers and certified Plan Reviewers and Inspectors, we serve the HUD-manufactured housing in all states as well as the state modular building industry in every state (and even parts of Canada) that possesses recognized modular programs. In states that do not have a recognized modular program, we can provide assistance in the plan review and/or inspections there as well. In addition, we provide consulting and guidance to new Manufacturers who are exploring the HUD Manufactured Housing Industry or the diverse state modular programs and regulations for those who need assistance with certification. We provide feedback and suggest solutions for specific design problems to help the Manufacturer accomplish compliance.

Industrialized Buildings
Industrialized Buildings

Industrialized Buildings

Industrialized Buildings

Building conforming homes through manufactured housing programs

Our team has provided plan review and inspection services for the HUD-manufactured housing and state modular building industry for over 50 years. With experienced Engineers and certified Plan Reviewers and Inspectors, we serve the HUD-manufactured housing in all states as well as the state modular building industry in every state (and even parts of Canada) that possesses recognized modular programs. In states that do not have a recognized modular program, we can provide assistance in the plan review and/or inspections there as well. In addition, we provide consulting and guidance to new Manufacturers who are exploring the HUD Manufactured Housing Industry or the diverse state modular programs and regulations for those who need assistance with certification. We provide feedback and suggest solutions for specific design problems to help the Manufacturer accomplish compliance.

Industrialized Buildings

Our team has provided plan review and inspection services for the HUD-manufactured housing and state modular building industry for over 50 years. With experienced Engineers and certified Plan Reviewers and Inspectors, we serve the HUD-manufactured housing in all states as well as the state modular building industry in every state (and even parts of Canada) that possesses recognized modular programs. In states that do not have a recognized modular program, we can provide assistance in the plan review and/or inspections there as well. In addition, we provide consulting and guidance to new Manufacturers who are exploring the HUD Manufactured Housing Industry or the diverse state modular programs and regulations for those who need assistance with certification. We provide feedback and suggest solutions for specific design problems to help the Manufacturer accomplish compliance.

Industrialized Buildings

Our team has provided plan review and inspection services for the HUD-manufactured housing and state modular building industry for over 50 years. With experienced Engineers and certified Plan Reviewers and Inspectors, we serve the HUD-manufactured housing in all states as well as the state modular building industry in every state (and even parts of Canada) that possesses recognized modular programs. In states that do not have a recognized modular program, we can provide assistance in the plan review and/or inspections there as well. In addition, we provide consulting and guidance to new Manufacturers who are exploring the HUD Manufactured Housing Industry or the diverse state modular programs and regulations for those who need assistance with certification. We provide feedback and suggest solutions for specific design problems to help the Manufacturer accomplish compliance.

Industrialized Buildings

We Use The Following Techniques

Industrialized Buildings

Our team has provided plan review and inspection services for the HUD-manufactured housing and state modular building industry for over 50 years. With experienced Engineers and certified Plan Reviewers and Inspectors, we serve the HUD-manufactured housing in all states as well as the state modular building industry in every state (and even parts of Canada) that possesses recognized modular programs. In states that do not have a recognized modular program, we can provide assistance in the plan review and/or inspections there as well. In addition, we provide consulting and guidance to new Manufacturers who are exploring the HUD Manufactured Housing Industry or the diverse state modular programs and regulations for those who need assistance with certification. We provide feedback and suggest solutions for specific design problems to help the Manufacturer accomplish compliance.

Our team has provided plan review and inspection services for the HUD-manufactured housing and state modular building industry for over 50 years. With experienced Engineers and certified Plan Reviewers and Inspectors, we serve the HUD-manufactured housing in all states as well as the state modular building industry in every state (and even parts of Canada) that possesses recognized modular programs. In states that do not have a recognized modular program, we can provide assistance in the plan review and/or inspections there as well. In addition, we provide consulting and guidance to new Manufacturers who are exploring the HUD Manufactured Housing Industry or the diverse state modular programs and regulations for those who need assistance with certification. We provide feedback and suggest solutions for specific design problems to help the Manufacturer accomplish compliance.

Industrialized Buildings
Industrialized Buildings
  • Petrographic examination of concrete and cementitious materials (ASTM C856) including visual examination of specimens in as-received condition, stereomicroscopy of polished cross-sectional surfaces, thin section analysis using fluorescence microscopy, and phenolphthalein staining to characterize the composition and condition as well as causes of deterioration or distress in submitted samples,

  • Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (SEM/EDS) analysis (ASTM C1723) for elemental composition of concrete, cementitious materials, aggregate and secondary deposits,

  • Chloride analysis to measure acid-soluble chloride content (ASTM C1152) or water-soluble chloride content (ASTM C1218) within a material to evaluate for corrosion potential and external chloride exposure,

  • Hardened air void system analysis (ASTM C457) to evaluate for total air content and air void system parameters for freeze-thaw durability,

  • Volumetric proportioning testing (ASTM C457) to quantitatively assess proportioning of concrete in comparison with mix design or specifications,

  • Bulk resistivity testing (ASTM C1876) to characterize the capillary porosity of concrete mixture(s),

  • Petrographic examination of aggregates (ASTM C295) to identify potentially deleterious materials with potential for alkali-aggregate reactivity, staining, and/or pop-outs,

  • and more!

Industrialized Buildings
Industrialized Buildings

We are a nationally approved third-party agency under all states' established modular programs and recognized by the IIBC. Our plan review and inspection services include the following:

  • residential (HUD and Modular)
  • industrial
  • food establishments
  • mixed-use developments
  • homeless shelters
  • special purpose commercial modular
  • recreational vehicles
  • park models
  • tiny homes
  • MRI units
  • multistory projects
  • and more

In addition, we have the knowledge and expertise to provide architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical/HVAC, plumbing, thermal, and gas-piping system plan review and inspection services.

What sets us apart from our competition is our people and their dedication and experience. We pride ourselves on our immediate response to our client needs, whether it is meeting project deadlines or answering questions in a timely manner. We will also work with our clients to minimize costs on their designs and inspections. We pride ourselves on our quick turnaround time, pricing, and excellent customer service. Our mission is to help you realize your vision.

Industrialized Buildings
Industrialized Buildings
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Why Choose Us?

Our laboratory technicians are highly experienced with testing requirements of different pavement preservation materials. Twining laboratories consistently help public works agencies and contractors to test materials such as:

  • Slurry Seal

  • Microsurfacing

  • REAS

  • Chip Seal

The typical tests that we perform for such materials are:

  • Wet Track Abrasion

  • Asphalt content

  • Emulsion content

  • Aggregate gradation

  • Sand Equivalent

  • Consistency test (field test)

Our Balcony Inspection Services

Twining offers a range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of property owners and managers. Our services include:


E3s Housing Balcony Inspections (CP1481)

We specialize in conducting thorough inspections in compliance with CP1481 requirements, ensuring the safety of residents and compliance with local regulations.

Structural Integrity Assessments

Structural Integrity Assessments

Our team assesses the structural integrity of your balconies, identifying potential issues related to materials, connections, and load-bearing capacity.

Safety Audits

Safety Audits

We conduct safety audits to ensure that your balconies meet the highest safety standards, including railings, guardrails, and fire safety measures.

Exterior Elevated Elements (E3s) Housing Balcony Inspection (CP1481)

An Exterior Elevated Elements (E3s) Housing Balcony Inspection (CP1481) is a comprehensive inspection of the balcony structure, including the railings, decking, and supports. The inspection is performed to identify any potential hazards or defects that could compromise the safety of the balcony.

The CP1481 inspection is based on a set of standards developed by the Canadian Construction Association (CCA). The standards cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Design and construction requirements
  • Materials and workmanship requirements
  • Inspection and testing requirements

We are certified E3s inspector, and we have the experience and expertise to perform comprehensive Balcony Bill Inspections. Our team is well-versed in the local, state, and national building codes, including the requirements outlined in CP1481. We provide a thorough assessment of your balcony's structural integrity, materials, and overall safety, identify potential hazards, and recommend necessary repairs or improvements.

Manufactured Housing Program (HUD)

The Design Approval Primary Inspection Agencies (DAPIAs) approves manufactured house designs for compliance with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards. The Inspection Primary Inspection Agencies (IPIAs) inspects manufactured home facilities to ensure that in-plant quality assurance systems continue to build conforming homes.

We have been fully approved by HUD as a DAPIA (plan review agency) and IPIA (inspection agency) in the Federal Manufactured Housing program since its inception in 1976. Our team has served on the HUD Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC). We maintain a good standing with HUD and IBTS and have held an "Adequate" rating on its performance for more than ten years.

Our plan review has evolved to meet our clients' needs and specifications over the years. We use state-of-the-art technologies to accommodate the fast turnaround time for approvals to help our clients keep their edge in this competitive market. They range from e-mail transactions of work orders to electronic stamping, as well as feedback on a job's status. Even with this technology, we still maintain our immediate one-on-one personal support for our clients, either in person or over the telephone. Our latest technology is real-time Virtual DAPIA. The client can access their packages via a secure website to review, search, and print any of their approved documents.

We strive to provide the closest inspector to your location. As a result, our experienced inspectors are available for inspections across the country to help you make a more affordable product.

States Modular Programs

With over 40 years of experience in the modular building industry, we not only ensure the quality of the home itself but also its compliance with all applicable codes and regulations. We have a successful partnership with the Modular Building Institute to stay abreast of consumer demands and industry news.

Our team possesses the expertise to provide architectural, electrical, mechanical/HVAC, plumbing, and gas-piping system design and/or plan review. Our experienced consulting staff can aid in the design and approval of building designs in all state’s modular programs, as well as parts of Canada. Also, our plan review staff can review code compliance for occupancy or use.

We are an approved third-party agency under all states’ modular programs, from Washington and California to New York and New Jersey. For the states that do not have a modular program, our team is available to help with preliminary plan review to assist the manufacturer with the local jurisdiction approval, in addition to performing the in-plant inspection specially.

Interstate Industrialized Building Commission” (IIBC)

We have been an IIBC-recognized and approved third party since its inception. The Interstate Industrialized Building Commission (IIBC) was created in the early 1990s when the states of Minnesota, Rhode Island, and New Jersey each enacted the Interstate Compact for Industrialized/Modular Buildings. The purpose of the compact was to streamline regulations that govern industrialized (modular) buildings from design and manufacture to delivery and installation. This also eliminated costly duplication of reviews and inspections by multiple jurisdictions. Other states that have reciprocity agreements to accept IIBC label products are North Dakota and Wisconsin. We are authorized by IIBC to provide both residential and commercial modular building inspections and plan approval services. Our IIBC-certified plan approval and inspection staff is located throughout the United States to assist and service modular manufacturers that produce products under the IIBC program.

Not only do we help solve your code-related problems, but we also keep you abreast of the latest developments in code adoptions, amendments, and interpretations with our continuous communications. This service is made available exclusively by us for our clients.

RVs & Park Trailers

We are proud to be a longtime supporter and supplier of professional technical services to the Recreational Vehicle (RV) and Recreational Park Trailer (RPT) Industries. Nationally recognized as a design review and inspection agency for all types of factory-built structures, we are fully approved by all third-party RV and RPT code states. Further, we support the RVIA and are fully approved as a third-party inspection agency for RPT.

Additionally, we also offer design submittal CAD drafting services for all codes within the states and Canada. Our experts have first-hand knowledge of the requirements in all locations.* One way we have found to support and benefit our industry is to utilize our professional expertise on standards writing committees. We donate professional time and money each year to serve on the following committees, which directly impact the RV and RPT industries:

  • NFPA National Electrical Code Panel 19, which writes NEC Articles 551 Recreational Vehicles and Recreational Vehicle Parks and NEC Article 552 Park Trailers.
  • ANSI A119.5 Recreational Park Trailers.
  • ANSI A119.2 / NFPA 501C Recreational Vehicles.
  • ANSI / RVIA EGS-1 Engine Generator Sets.
Recognized Evaluations Motor Home Van Conversions
Park Models Handicapped Conversions Travel Campers
Fifth Wheels Truck Campers Tent Camper

*Note: This service is not available if we provide a recognized third party design review for your facility.

Energy Star & Green Certification

We are an approved Energy Star certifier under the Systems Buildings Research Alliance (SBRA) Energy Star programs for Manufactured Housing (HUD) and Modular Housing. For more information on the program features, please read the following.

Energy Star is a nationally recognized, voluntary program designed to identify and promote energy-efficient products, new homes, and buildings to consumers and businesses across the United States.

This program often provides qualification for rebates or utility discounts for energy-efficient housing. For updated information on incentive programs, please check the SBRA website.

Additionally, we are an approved certifier under the SBRA Certified Green with Energy Star Modular Home program.

Fire Sprinkler Plan Review and Inspection Services

California was the first State to adopt regulations for fire sprinkler systems in manufactured houses. Since the inception of the program, we have held certification by the State of California Housing and Community Development Department as a Design Approval Agency and Quality Assurance Agency under the Fire Sprinkler System Program for Manufactured Housing in the State of California.

Today, our team has approved and inspected thousands of units. With a phenomenal turnaround time, quick response, and communication with the designers, manufacturers, and inspectors, we keep our clients and their products safe and in compliance with the codes without affecting the flow of the production line.