Waldorf-Astoria Hotel

The 12-story luxury hotel featured 170 guest rooms, plus storefronts with luxury retail. This project had two parts, the hotel and residential components. The hotel featured four acres of open space and “secret” gardens, as well as a three-story lobby with murals of California landscapes, and a large clock similar to the one in the Waldorf Astoria in New York. Part two of this project included two condo towers and consisted of 110 units. Tower one reached 18-stories and began construction as the hotel finishes.
Twining provided materials testing and inspection services for the hotel. Upon completion of the hotel, our services were retained to provide our scope on the residential towers. Our specific scope of work included concrete, rebar, structural steel welding, shotcrete, and post tension cable inspections. In addition, we provided material testing for concrete cylinders, stressing cables, fireproofing, shotcrete cores, and pull testing.