Parkside North Housing Expansion, Phase I

The $70 million project consists of the new construction of a 476-bed, 124,892 square foot, student residential facility comprised of four levels. Level 1 consists of a lobby, multi-purpose room, laundry room, apartments, study space, lounge space, and dorm rooms. Level 2 consists of a kitchen, study space, lounge space, and dorm rooms. Level 3 consists of a kitchen, study space, lounge space, and dorm rooms. Level 4 consists of a kitchen, resource room, roof terrace, study space, lounge space, and dorm rooms. The new building will also provide outdoor courtyard space. The project is anticipated for closeout in May 2021.
The new structure will utilize rammed aggregate piers, structural steel, and slab on metal deck. The exterior will consist of curtainwall, brick, plaster, and storefront systems. Interior finishes include ACT ceilings, motorized and manual rolling shades, polished concrete floors, acoustical wall treatments, visual display boards, AV cabinets, tile, countertops, and restroom partitions.
Twining provided the initial geotechnical investigation for the student housing structure and provided recommendations the proved key to the final design of the buildings foundation. Earth materials encountered during our subsurface investigation consisted of a thin layer of topsoil underlain by alluvial and coastal deposits. In general, subsurface material encountered consisted of moist to wet, medium to dark brown, silty sand, sandy silt, and silt, and olive-brown and dark brown to gray clay. Our recommendations for seismic design parameters were developed in accordance with the CSU Seismic Requirements. Based on the results of our literature review and the field exploration, laboratory testing, and engineering analyses, Twining concluded that the proposed construction was feasible from a geotechnical standpoint, provided that the recommendations in our report were incorporated into the design plans and are implemented during construction.