Ocean Beach Pier Rehabilitation/Service Life Modeling

The City of San Diego requested a structural condition assessment of the Ocean Beach Pier. This consisted of inspection and completely evaluating the structural deterioration of the Ocean Beach Pier by means of visual inspection and testing with underwater and above water inspections to observe damage and deterioration to the structural components of the pier.
Twining was enlisted by the Moffatt & Nichol to assist in the assessment, specifically to estimate the remaining service life of the reinforced concrete elements. These elements include precast pre-stressed soffit panels, pre-stressed pile caps, and precast piles.
Twining performed testing on the concrete cores extracted by Moffat & Nichol, which includes evaluating the transport properties of the hardened concrete and petrographic analysis to estimate the compositions of the concrete mixtures. With these critical properties and parameters, Twining performed service life modeling and estimated the remaining service life of the concrete elements in question.