Mokelumne Bicycle and Pedestrian Overcrossing Project
Brentwood, CA

This Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) project consists of constructing a bridge spanning Highway 4 in Brentwood. The bridge closes a gap in a trail that was created when the highway was expanded. It provides safe access for both cyclists and pedestrians for commuting and recreational travel. Construction began in March 2022 and is anticipated to be completed in early 2023. The budget for this project is approximately $13 million, with funding coming from Measure J taxpayer dollars, the State Route 4 Bypass Authority, and bridge toll funds.
The project features:
- Multi-span bridge with a column in the Highway 4 median
- Bridge approaches will be constructed on earthen embankments
- Path will range from 12 to 16 feet in width
- Width will accommodate the potential for future autonomous shuttle travel
Twining is providing the following materials testing and inspection services:
- Earthwork/field density testing
- Field concrete testing
- Concrete, reinforcing steel, max density, laboratory testing
Cole Management & Engineering
Services Provided
Geotechnical Engineering
Special Inspection
Materials Testing Laboratories