City of San Diego, North City Water Reclamation Plant Expansion

The City of San Diego is currently expanding the existing plant from producing 30-million gallons per day (mgd) to producing 50 mgd of recycled water (water for uses other than drinking). The expansion enables industries like agriculture, landscaping, and industrial manufacturing to use the recycled water for their needs, which leaves more drinking water available for the community.
The expansion will occur on the existing North City Water Reclamation Plant property on Eastgate Mall across from the future North City Pure Water Facility site. The Pure Water Facility Influent Conveyance Pump Station will be used to convey recycled product water to the NCPWF where it will receive advanced treatment to produce purified water. The pump station will be located on the NCWRP property adjacent to the Pure Water Demonstration Facility. Construction is anticipated to run from 2021-2025.
Twining is providing the following scope of services:
- Review Contractor’s QC Plan and monitor compliance throughout construction.
- Provide full-time QA inspection of the work, recording and documenting field events to manage the goal that projects are constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications.
- Perform Special Inspections as required for the project, including, pipe and structural welding, California Building Code Special inspections required by the Contract Documents, witnessing of electrical testing, anchor bolt installation, structural masonry, structural concrete, and rebar.
- Batch plant inspections, off-site fabrication of steel pipe and structural assemblies.