City of Sacramento, Florin Pump Station Improvements
Sacramento, CA

The Florin Pump Station was originally constructed in 1970. This project involved the installation of an additional natural gas engine-driven pump, control system and uninterruptible power supply upgrades within the existing capacity of the Florin Reservoir Pump Station to increase redundancy, reliability, and flexibility of the pump station, while also improving emergency egress through the installation of a new stair enclosure with an exhaust fan (proposed project). These improvements would allow the City of Sacramento to maintain full pumping capacity even during scheduled maintenance of an existing pump or in the event an existing pump should break.
Twining provided materials testing and inspection services for the below tasks:
- Field Welding Inspection
- Coatings Inspection
- Drilled and Epoxied Anchor & Dowell Installation Inspection
- Concrete Sampling and Testing as well as Steel Reinforcing Inspection
- Field Density Testing per ASTM D6938 with Nuclear Gauge
- Sampling and Testing During HMA Placement and Resurfacing
City of Sacramento
Services Provided
Special Inspection
Materials Testing Laboratories