City of Riverside, Citywide Pavement Coring for Street Maintenance Improvements FY21-22
Riverside, CA

Twining provided Geotechnical Engineering Services for the City of Riverside’s Citywide Pavement Coring Street Maintenance Improvements for Fiscal Year 2021/22. Our scope of work included:
- Mark coring locations; obtain utility clearance and construction related permits, such as the street opening permit from the City; adhere to all City requirements as indicated with in the RFP.
- Provide traffic control during all activities in accordance with the Work Area Control Manual Handbook
- Characterize and identify the thickness of all existing pavement materials to the subgrade at sampling locations; perform visual inspection of each borehole for evidence of any wet utilities leakage and document accordingly; perform coring per the City’s attached exhibits of the RFP
- Collect subgrade soil samples at each sample location, to a depth interval of 30 inches (with 30 to 60 inches for cores 123-128) for identifying soil classification, moisture content and R-value analysis; test R-values and determine the boring location identified per the attached exhibits; identify the presence of any interlayer/geotextile material
- Provide a spreadsheet summarizing the core sampling results, including core number, location, R-values (if applicable), moisture content percentage, asphalt concrete thickness, base thickness (if applicable), site condition, soil classification, and any field observation notes
City of Riverside
Services Provided
Asphalt Testing
Special Inspection
Geotechnical Engineering