Caltrans 09-367404 SR-14 CRCP in Kern County
Kern County, CA

This project rehabilitates the existing State Route 14 (SR-14) and the associated on/off ramps and adjacent shoulders while upgrading the guardrail, traffic loop detectors, and roadside facilities. This project takes place throughout Kern County and near Rosamond and Mojave from 1.4 miles south of Dawn Road overcrossing to 0.5 mile north Of Silver Queen Road overcrossing. The project was performed over 450 working days.
Twining provided quality control inspection and testing services per Caltrans plans and specifications. Our team provided:
- Aggregate base testing and inspection
- Just in time training
- Testing and inspection of continuously reinforced concrete pavement
- Testing and inspection of individual slab replacement
- On-site mobile laboratory
- Quality control plan
Services Provided
Materials Testing Laboratories
Special Inspection